Have you ever considered that finances might be the least of your worries when buying a new home? When browsing from a variety of potential new properties, most of us approach this process with a long list of must-haves that seem important on the surface, but in the grand scheme of things… it turns out they don’t really matter. Here are a few things that you probably shouldn’t concern yourself:

#1 There aren’t any pictures of the listing

It’s very easy (and common) to discount a listing if it doesn’t have several high-quality, professional-grade pictures of the house attached to it, but Pace says this thinking could cost you a real find.
“A lot of people assume if a listing doesn’t come with pictures, it means there’s something wrong with the house. But they don’t think about the reasons why it may not have images,” she says.
It could be that the current tenant didn’t want the house photographed with their belongings in it, or that the sellers are on a budget and don’t want to shell out for professional photos.
Instead, focus on the specs in the listing. Does it have parking, outdoor space, and good-sized rooms? These are the things that will really matter.

#2 The carpeting is ugly

Sure, walking into a house with wall-to-wall shag carpeting would be a turn-off for most people, but Pace says you shouldn’t let that cloud your vision of the space. It’s what’s underneath that counts.

“Extravagant paint colors, carpeting, old appliances, and even lousy or non-existent landscaping: these are all easy fixes,” she says. “They’re aesthetics that don’t have to take a lot of money to change.” And if you can’t see past them, you could miss out on a golden opportunity.
Instead, focus on the layout of the house and if there are major cosmetic changes that would need to be done outdoors. Aluminum siding or a gas meter adjacent to the front door are costly to replace or move.
Or think of it this way: “It’s typically less expensive to paint a wall than to knock it down altogether,” Pace says.

#3 It’s not move-in ready

Things like marble countertops in the kitchen, a walk-in closet, and an en-suite bathroom are all very attractive at first glance, but unless the house has good bones, those are virtually worthless add-ons.

“The expenses involved in fixing things like wiring, the roof or replacing the furnace are far more costly than putting in a nice-looking kitchen or bathroom,” Pace says. “If there’s moisture in the basement, you won’t care about the color of your walls when there’s water all over them.”

Find a good, reliable home inspector to come in and take a look at the house. Make sure big-ticket items like the furnace are going to last — the average lifespan of a furnace is from 20 to 25 years. If you know something’s going to give soon, make sure you’re prepared financially to cover those costs. No one wants to live through a Canadian winter without a furnace or with a leaky roof.

#4 It’s not in a “cool” neighborhood

Being in a desirable or trendy neighborhood certainly has its perks, but if you’re choosing a hot location because of its bars or restaurants and ignoring those in a good school district, you’re making a mistake. Don’t assume that the next people to buy your home will be in the same situation as you.

“Even if you don’t have kids, it’s best to move into a neighborhood that’s in a good school district. Not only could the next buyers have a family for whom that matters, but these neighborhoods tend to hold their value longer even through market fluctuations,” For many people, school is a top priority.”

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