
Real Estate Marketing Strategies 2024: A Brief overview

How to level up your marketing game in 2024 for real estate

As we approach 2019 we need more strategic real estate trends and practices to market our real estate agencies and strengthen our business. There is absolutely no doubt that our target market is inclined towards finding information online. So here are some marketing strategies for your real estate firm to be successful in this digital age.

Quality Photos

Pictures are the first gateway to make an impression. It is easy to recognize the difference between a professional picture and a low-quality picture taken in a jiffy. Make sure that all your listings have professional images to display. You do not need to spend a fortune to hire a professional photographer, our phones are also equipped with great cameras with tonnes of filtering apps. You just need a good set of eyes and click some pictures.

Pro Tip: Good lighting is the key to taking great pictures.

Testimonials / Referrals

Referrals or testimonials from current and previous clients is by far the most successful way to gather the trust of new clients. People value recommendations and they are more likely to trust an advice or a review from an unknown and unbiased source rather than their own network. A staggering 90% real estate agents said that testimonials from new and old clients help them in earning the recognition and more business.

Make it a business practice to ask for a recommendation after you complete the deal. Send out a thank you email stating how valued you feel to have them as a client and in the end mention about leaving an honest review for your services. You’ll know what a client thinks about your services and also highlight a few areas where you can improve.

Live Chat

Live chat can prove to be a great marketing web strategy for your real estate business. A potential client visiting your website can convert to a lead if you have a live chat feature enabled. It’s as simple as being there when someone needs you. A visitor can get all their questions answered via a live chat executive rather than going to a different website.

Live chats provide a great user experience and customer value.

Virtual Tours

A good quality picture is great, but a 360° virtual tour is awesome! Customers value virtual tours the most as it connects them to the property instantly. Apart from just looking at the static property photos, they get to see it as if they were actually standing there, and pairing that up with a VR headset increases the effect manyfold. Clients love the real estate virtual tours as it saves their time, and they can even share with their friends and family who help them in making a purchasing decision. It is one of the best real estate marketing ideas you can have.

Be Active on Social Media

A no-brainer! With the ever-increasing pool of people that spend time on social media, it is important to be present there. Your social media presence can speak volumes if you have an active social media account. You do not need to be on every social media platforms, but Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube top the chart as they provide the most visual experience. Read our real estate social media marketing Guide to know more about it.

All these activities will make your social media profile look active and rank higher in social media search results:

  • Make healthy conversation
  • Post pictures, and videos
  • Share insights
  • Join related groups and communities
  • Run polls and surveys
  • Share neighborhood event details
  • Inform about new developments in the city
  • Tag clients story (secure permission first)
  • Share a link to a good blog/ article, not necessarily from the housing domain

Implement some of these marketing strategies for 2019 like real estate content marketing and start the new year on a high note. Share your strategies and ideas here, we’d love to hear them.

Read More: Understanding Marketing Funnels in Real Estate: How to Differentiate Direct Marketing from Brand Marketing

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