Social Media Marketing

How to Rule Real Estate Social Media in 2024: A REALTORS® Guide

Social media is definitely the game changer in real estate in 2024. Read How you can rule across different platforms and stand out.

Social media can seem pretty simple to those who have incorporated it into their Real estate marketing strategy. However, subjects that look simple can be inherently complex. Social media is complicated as it is evolving. It is constantly responding to new developments in business and marketing. Is 2024 the same as 2022 for social media and real estate? The answer is yes and no. The pandemic has started a new trend that continues to the present. Stay tuned as we will discuss how you can rule real estate social media in 2024.

Recent research by The Close revealed that 44% of agents got a new client in 2020 by posting content on social media. Social media was second to referrals for getting new listings last year. So, we are not going to discuss whether you need social media or not. It is an integral part of your business. We are way beyond that stage now. 

how to rule real estate social media

Use High-Quality Visuals

If you use social media and have not done so yet, make sure you prioritize sharing high-quality images and videos in your marketing. It is ridiculous to imagine social media without visuals. 

High-quality and professional real estate photos, videos, 3D tours, and drone shots are all significant visuals that can step up your game and set you apart from the competition. After all, not everyone is practicing modern digital marketing for real estate.

However, remember that you need to create content your audience wants to see. For example, videos you create and share should answer your audience’s questions and help them overcome challenges and problems. To rule real estate social media in 2024, you need quality content.

We cannot underestimate the importance of visuals, videos in particular. 2024 is the age of fast internet connections where social media platforms rule, and those that incorporate videos are favored more by the users. Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and even the heavily text-based platform Twitter have all included videos as an integral part of their platform. It is easier than ever to share videos; real estate or not, videos are your best current bet in business. 

Play Your Part on Social Media

Many real estate agents and marketers think of social media as a channel to voice their marketing messages where they are the speaker only. They log in, post content, and go on with their life. That is missing a vital aspect of social media: being social. To be social, you, as the marketer, still need to engage with others’ content. 

how to rule real estate social media

Spend a few minutes daily scrolling through your social media feed across different platforms. You need to do this not to entertain yourself but to be aware of the market and see what others say and do. By others, we mean your target audience, the competition, etc. Focus on the content found on your news feed and engage. Occasional likes as you are scrolling is not engaging. Interact with others’ content like you mean it; it matters to you. Leave comments voicing your ideas and questions. Start conversations. Be social.

Establish Your Brand’s Voice

Your brand’s voice refers to the personality and emotion infused into your communications. The content you share on social media is a part of your brand’s communications. How you talk to your audience may vary significantly if you have not defined a voice for your brand. Therefore, different pieces of content will sound and look different without being cohesive in tone. Consequently, you will end up with a random assortment of voices and styles in your content, which doesn’t offer a consistent picture of your brand. 

A brand’s voice matters since it is easily identified across different channels and through various forms of media. Furthermore, presenting a single and unified voice for your brand goes a long way to making an authoritative source in real estate, which keeps everything professional, even in the course content and information created and shared. 

Be Human, Not a Like-Robot

Authentic engagement and contribution to the social aspect of social media mean being meaningful and helpful. Don’t just like content and leave random comments like “Nice!”. Express yourself clearly and try to encourage your audience and connections. Take social media interactions seriously and believe in them as an integral part of your business. 

Beware of Algorithms

What you interact with on social media affects what you see. Social media platforms are designed to show you content that you like. To pull this off, the content you like and interact with is analyzed, and similar content is delivered. Ensure you want content you like and want to see more. Comment on the content that interests you. Help social media connect you better to others. 

how to rule real estate social media

Evaluate Your Social Media Activity and Decide Accordingly

Look at your analytics as you post and share content on social media platforms. Different platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube all offer an insightful set of data that shows how your content is doing in terms of performance and reach. See what content works on which platform. Assess reach, views, and engagement ratings of different pieces of content. 

If your content has difficulty reaching people or getting engagement, you must rethink your content and strategy. Lack of engagement means your content doesn’t appeal to your audience. So, either your audience or your content is wrong. Keeping track of social media analytics will allow you to find and correct any problems and mistakes. 

Attend to Comments

A while ago, being on social media and posting content to connect to your audience was good enough or even more than enough to enjoy social media marketing benefits since not many REALTORS® had realized the importance of it. Once a great strategy, the trend has turned our feeds on social media to posts that are all just screaming look at me. Even if they get some engagement from occasional curious connections, they are often left unattended.

how to rule real estate social media

Comments and questions you receive on social media are valuable assets that look insignificant at first glance. However, they are what make your business valid and trustworthy. A social media account without comments and discussions looks automated and fails to attract passersby. On the other hand, a post that has a conversation in the comments makes the account look promising and worth a look. This conversation will not start on its own most of the time. Encourage it, and don’t let it die if it happens to your audience. 

Schedule Your Content

Posting content randomly is not going to make magic happen. Marketing requires a plan that includes coherent, consistent, and well-thought-out pieces. Every month, plan your content schedule and stick to it. Be committed to your plan. Posting content is essential, but keeping a consistent flow of content comes first. If you think you can’t create enough content to post every other day, make it twice a week, but keep your schedule. 

As a real estate agent, you are on a tight schedule. Social media and marketing plans do take time. Apart from posting content, attending to the comments and messages requires commitment and time. If your plate is full, you can use platforms like roomvu to plan for and schedule your social media content. The roomvu dashboard aims to help real estate agents keep a strong presence on social media by providing AI-backed video content and a smart calendar that connects to their social media accounts and automatically posts on their behalf. 

roomvu Social Media Automation Calendar

Social media is hard to run at its best. Delivering a coherent and valuable message for your business takes time, commitment, consistency, accuracy, skills, and lots of data. We get it. Realtors barely have time to get around to essential duties, let alone extra activities like social media. We heard your voice, and we created a solution.

how to rule real estate social media

roomvu social media calendar is an all-in-one solution that aims at automating social media for real estate agents. It not only automates and keeps your social accounts running regularly, but it also takes care of the content. Our content factory uses in-depth market data to create different real estate videos that fit your needs. To rule real estate social media in 2024, you must connect your social media accounts, pick the videos you like, and add them to your calendar.

Join now and start your social media presence today. Don’t wait any longer. Every day that passes, you miss out on chances of getting leads on social media!

How to Rule Real Estate Social Media in 2024: Final Words

2024 is the year of delivering accessible and valuable content on social media while sharing and engaging with content shared by others. Just being on social media and randomly liking posts was once enough, but now things have changed. Everybody is on social media, and expectations are high. Engage, encourage engagement, create conversations, and attend to the comments and messages daily. Everybody may be on social media, but not everybody is benefiting. Be one of the ones who benefit and enjoy the business you gain.  Real estate social media marketing services can help agents succeed on social media.

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