Social Media Marketing

How to Increase Real Estate Social Media Engagement?

Are you looking for the best ways to increase real estate social media engagement? Here are some practical tips that will help you right now!

You have the social media marketing material for your Real Estate business. Your content is ready and you share them across different platforms. But how do you maximize and increase Real Estate social media engagement? After all, all your efforts are in vain if few people engage with your content. As a matter of fact, nowadays, social media platforms use engagement to determine the value of a piece of content. Then this assessment is used to decide how much, platforms will recommend the content to other users. The more people see and engage with your video the better. It is a no-brainer.

How to Increase Real Estate Social Media Engagement?

Let’s see how you can encourage your audience to take action and interact with your content on social media.

Simply Ask Followers to Comment and Share

This one might sound a bit obvious but it works. Sometimes your followers need an extra push to bring up their keyboard and start commenting on your posts or share your content with their friends who might find it interesting and valuable. Usually asking a question in the post is a good way to encourage the audience to comment.

Read More: Social media marketing for Real Estate

Host a Giveaway or Contest

One of the best ways to generate lots of content is to host contests on your page where you ask your audience to comment on a certain post, mentioned their friends, and then choose the winner from those who commented according to the rules you have mentioned. Rules could be commenting on the post every day of a week, mentioning 3 of their friends, etc. This way you can generate a lot of comments with ease.

Post Videos

It is no secret: people want more videos on social media. If you post engaging videos on your social media for real estate, people will stop scrolling and will spend some time on your post. If your video is interesting enough, people will leave comments if you ask them to do so in the comments. On the other hand, videos convey messages much easier in a short time and that makes your page more valuable to your audience.

Keep Videos Short and Sweet

Many Real Estate agents think the longer their videos are the better. But nothing could be further from the truth. Time is money these days and people know that. Therefore, it is very unlikely people will watch your long videos since they fail to deliver the messages they have as soon as possible. And if they do, what is the point of watching the video to the end which brings up the question: why make a long video.


According to Wistia, 2 minutes is the sweet spot for video length. After the 2 minutes, video engagement begins to drop immensely. Hubspot also had the same findings.

According to a study done by roomvu, the optimal length of videos is between 70 and 90 seconds for effective engagement and impression. Agents, however, prefer longer videos.

Social media platforms have known this fact for a while now. Platforms like TikTok concentrate on short videos. On the other hand, Instagram and Facebook have introduced short videos also known as stories. Chances are short videos are more likely to be watched to the end. Trust us, you do not talk about all the details in your videos. Just stick to the gist of the topics and you will be fine. Learn how to create short social media videos for Real Estate.

Be Straight to the Point in The Videos

Adding to the point above, your videos while being short should be fast in delivering the message. The attention span of people is getting shorter and shorter every day due to the huge loads of media users are exposed to every day. It is a naive mistake to think that your audience will wait to see what you have got to say in your video. Do not beat around the bush. Get to the point as soon as possible.


Most of us browse social media when we are not alone. In fact, 80% of Facebook and LinkedIn users use social media on mute. We can be on the bus or a train or in a Taxi. We might even be somewhere pretty crowded where it is hard to hear sounds. Therefore, the sound is not an option in many places for many of us. Therefore, if the users are unable to get the message of your videos without the sound, then they are no good. Make sure you include captions for your videos. You can also enable auto-generated captions on some platforms like Instagram and YouTube. On the other hand, you can always show an in-video message suggesting that users turn on the sound.


The majority of users access the internet from a mobile device. We now use computers, tablets, and smartphones to scour the web, scroll through social media, and access the information we need. In fact, close to 80% of Americans own a mobile device and the majority of search traffic on the internet comes from them! Therefore, your videos should be optimized for mobile views. If they fail to show well on a mobile device they will not be welcome.

Audience Persona

You cant talk to everybody in the same way. Millennials are different from Boomers and so on. Therefore, you need to talk to your audience in their own language and by language, we do not mean English or French. We mean the language that resonates with their Persona. We know that your audience is not all the same but you know that you can find and pick the main Persona in your audience. That is the language you should talk with.

Use the Right Hashtags

Hashtags on social media are used to find content using certain keywords. You can also make your posts easier to find on social media by using relevant hashtags for real estate. You can find the best hashtags for real estate by searching on the internet. This way you can try to find your way into the social media Explore section where people who do not follow you can see your content. However, make sure you do not overdo hashtags and use the right number of hashtags because they can backfire and flag your post as spam.

How many hashtags for real estate

Too Many Hashtags: Spam

Spam can be defined as something that you have not asked for. When using too many hashtags you might attract attention that your content is not good for. and that is when your post becomes spam. Yes, you need attention, but not any kind of attention. You need the attention that will help the audience, not you.

Hashtags for Real Estate

Post at the Right Time

When it comes to the best time for posting on social media, there is no fixed rule. The best time to post varies for different accounts based on your audience, where they live, when they check their social media, etc. Just make sure you post when your audience is mostly online so that your post is not buried under content from other accounts your audience follows.

roomvu Data

The insights we derived from our data concluded that posting on Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays receive better performance. However, the difference between different days tends to be minimal and can be ignored. On the other hand, given the fact that we recommend agents to keep a strong presence on social media, they need to post daily and this finding just shows what days are better in terms of engagement.

Best Time to Post on Social Media for Real Estate
Best days to post on social media.

Additionally, we analyzed the specific posting times of our subject agents and their performance against reach, impressions, engagements, and clicks. This enabled us to determine the best time for agents to post that will allow them to receive the best audience engagement.

Posting Time

Baes on our data on the roomvu dashboard we found that agents should post from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon (PST). This time period tends to generate the highest amount of engagement.

However, agents more often tend to post between 4:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. (PST). Comparing the actual time our agents post on their social media accounts on the roomvu dashboard, we found that there is this 4-hours gap between the actual posting time by agents and what the optimal time is.

Best Time to Post on Social Media for Real Estate
Best times to post on social media

Post consistently

It is no good to post 10 pieces of content once in a while and then go silent for a week. Posting consistently is more important than the quantity of the content. That requires agents to set aside a part of their time daily to create and post content on social media. However, that might be a bit hard for most agents given the hectic lives they run. In this case, you can use social media automation for real estate and content calendars so that you do not miss a time to post on social media.

Social media can help agents only if they keep their presence consistent. After all, companies that publish more than 16 posts a month generate 3.5 times more traffic than those which publish less than 4. If you go out there and post a few photos and videos and then go silent for a while just to show up an unknown number of days later, you will come across as an account that looks abandoned and there is a high chance your followers will ignore you if they don’t unfollow you first. Social media calendar helps you avoid such problems.

roomvu Content Calendar

Creating a content calendar requires a lot of effort and research. Sticking to the calendar is another story as well. We at roomvu realized this is one of the biggest pains real estate agents have. Therefore, we created an all-in-one social media content calendar for real estate. However, the value proposition behind this calendar is not the planning. We also take care of the content for real estate agents.


In roomvu, we create real estate videos for different areas and cities. Other than videos we also create real estate landing pages and offer email marketing to further expand the ways this content can be shared.

Respond to the Comments you Get

When your audience leaves comments on your post, they expect you to answer and show them that you care. If they leave comments and see no reply, next time they will save the effort. Therefore, make sure you attend to the comments as soon as you get them. You can automate posting on Instagram for real estate but responding to the comments must be done by yourself. Set aside an hour or so every day to check user interaction and your page and take appropriate action.

Host Q/A Lives and Ask Your Audience to Comment on their Questions

Social media Live is a great way to get in touch with your audience. You can use them for a variety of purposes. One great way is to host QA sessions with your audience and answer their questions. And you can promote these QA Live sessions in advance and ask your audience to comment on their questions so that you can answer them in the live session.

Ask Your Audience to Turn on Post Notification

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms these days in a way that you can say everybody is on Instagram. However, there is so much content shared on Instagram and chances are your audience on Instagram might miss the content you share with Instagram posts. Although Instagram algorithms show content to users based on their engagement and interests there are ways to make sure your audience gets to see your content all the time.

Instagram has made it possible for people to always get notified when a friend or a business page posts something. Many people are not aware of the feature, which helps your content get seen. However, be careful how you ask your audience to turn on such a feature for your page. Give them a reason and promise the content will be worth it. Don’t make it about yourself. Make it about them not missing valuable content. This is how you should ask your audience to turn on notifications for your Instagram account.

Exposure on Your Content on Social Media

Share Your Posts on Stories

Another great way to make sure your content is seen by your audience is to share them in Stories. Make sure you pick the right time for your stories and avoid posting content when your audience is less likely to see it. For example, if you share your content at 1:00 a.m. your audience is most probably asleep. When they wake up, your story is buried under many other stories published later on.

Use Instagram Features

The medium is perfectly suited to transparent, authentic, real-time content – in other words, content that has power.

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