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Top Best Practices for Real Estate Social Media Marketing with Kyle Draper

Learn the top best practices for Social Media Marketing with Kyle Draper and roomvu’s CEO Sam Merhbod.

Real Estate social media is packed with a lot of misconceptions and secrets. We sit with top Real Estate agents and coaches to discuss the best practices agents can deploy in their marketing efforts to keep up with the evolving trends in the market and make the most out of the platform. This week we have Kyle Draper to see what he thinks about Real Estate social media and he suggests that agents take on the ongoing battle in Real Estate.

Why Videos Matter in Real Estate Social Media

Most REALTORS® believe if they get in the same room with a prospect they will win them as their client. However, that is not always possible. People move to different cities and their would-be agent may not even be in the same city or country they live in. However, videos help agents express themselves as if they are talking to their prospects in person. Videos allow agents to travel to different locations digitally. And that is the power of videos.

How REALTORS® Get Videos Wrong

Sam mentions that videos should be used to create content that adds value and resonates with the needs and concerns of the audience. This way they can gain trust and make their prospects want to work with them. Without trust, it would be hard to get people to agents’ websites regardless of how much money was spent on making their superb and awesome website. However, most agents tend to forget about this fundamental fact and think having a great website is enough. Why people should trust a certain agent?

Kyle also mentions that in most cases agents’ videos are all about them. Focus on them and promote them! But people could not care less. Nobody cares who you think you are unless you give them something in your videos. Something they want and look for, not the content you would like to share because it talks about how cool you are.

That is a Must not a Plus!

Some agents in their videos talk about “why their audience need AN agent”, not “whey their audience need them“. And when they want to convince their audience that they are the one, they mention being, fast, top-dollar, efficient, etc. Like they have forgotten that EVERY REALTORS® should be fast, get top-dollar and be efficient. They should say how they are different from the rest of the agents. Even if that includes should yourself as a dog-lover that will attract prospects who also are into dogs.

Facebook Might be Dead as A Free Tool but It Still Matters

Facebook isn’t a non-profit organization. In fact, almost everything about Facebook is about making money. That has made the platform change and unlike the old days, organic reach on Facebook will not help REALTORS®. To work around this issue agents need to pay and run ads, where they get super-targeted and accurate ads with significant returns.

But that is not the only way Facebook matters in Real Estate social media. Facebook like any other platform can still be used as social proof. That is when people click on your name on Facebook to see what others have got to say about you. How are your reviews on Facebook? Is your Facebook page created just for the sake of being able to post ads and is empty? People click on your name when they see your ad and an empty profile is a sure sign of failure.

It is About Giving Back

Some REALTORS® only care about making money. They have no recollection of the fact that agents sell when they are loved and trusted. Among all the agents active in a certain area why people should pick you? Only those who have a constructive and helpful mentality will win the hearts of their prospects.

On the other hand, when you make money in your business you have to invest some of that money back in business to grow. As a matter of fact, agents need to reinvest at least 60% of their earnings back in the same funnels and system. The bottom line is:

If you are a REALTOR® who is trying to figure out how to spend less money for marketing, you are going to lose.

Kyle Draper – roomvu Webinar

What to Share on Social Media

Another common mistake agents make on social media is that they have no idea about what to share and they are wrong in many ways. For example, they think if they post 10 Real Estate videos every day they will be doing a great job. But they forget about the content itself. Kype thinks these four videos should be included in every agent’s YouTube channel:

  • An origin video: An explainer video that tells your story. Where you came from and why you are an agent.
  • A buyer video: A video that descirbes the different steps of home buying process to teach the prospects even before they become your client.
  • A buyer video: Same as buyer videos but for Seller.
  • Client Testimonial video: These videos should feature clients that are energetice and your true and loyal proponent. Featuring some introvereted clients who lack energy will not help.

After you have these videos, drive people to these videos. Include their links in your emails, social media, etc.

How to Warm up Leads

When leads approach you, the worst mistake could be simply sending them default messages or simple text messages. Kyle believes the best way to warm up a lead is through video messages. When people follow you, ask you questions, click on your ads and take action, record a personal video in send it through Direct Messages on social media. This will create a sense of trust and will set you apart from the rest of the competition.

If you want to know more about social media read our article about real estate social media marketing

The Power of Personal Content

Personal content is what Kyle calls “tethers”. If you just talk about houses, closing, etc, your past clients will soon get bored. But if you also share personal content they will keep you in their social media circle and will remember your name if they need an agent a few years later.

In fact, agents need to be relational, not transactional. For their past clients, they need to think about referrals. In other words, They will not be able to work with the same person any time soon and they do not need their money. But they need their clients’ friends’ money. And that can be achieved by sharing personal content that shows you as a real person who teaches business even when they are living their life as normal human beings taking their children to school.

Change the Narrative

Tell a story or others will tell their own version. People share images of properties they have sold on social media. They talk about their achievements. they share much business-related content but they forget to include a story. They do not say how they went through the process and how they helped their clients. Their audience is left without a story and in most cases they come up with their own version of the story which is almost always not the story agents would like to be understood.

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