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The Biggest Real Estate Video Mistakes

Amature video content is great but can go downhill fast if you’re doing it wrong. In this article, we talk about the things to avoid if you’re going to try and create video content for your real estate marketing on your own.

Check out the toolkit of successful real estate agents, and video content should easily stand out as one of their most powerful chosen media in marketing. The reason for this choice is quite compelling. One research showed that you’d likely get a 135 percent gain in organic reach if you used videos instead of just pictures in your online marketing content.1

Needless to say, you got to produce high-quality video content. You would be competing with a lot of online clutter in this medium, especially on social media. A study showed that video posts of Facebook users globally has increased by 75 percent.2

Videos indeed are potent tools in your real estate marketing mix. Using them would require considerable effort and thinking, particularly if you’re just starting to use them and geared to do it yourself. As in most DIY projects, major missteps are likely. By all means, avoid these five biggest mistakes when creating video content.

Mistake #1: Using Expensive Equipment

Skip buying professional camera equipment if you’re just staring at real estate video production. A video cam and its accessories are not only expensive but would also require some time to master operating them.

Start with what’s in your pocket—your smartphone. Just with this device, you’re already well-equipped to start a YouTube channel.3 Phone technology has progressed so immensely that your android or iPhone already offers plenty of options in videography. You can read our ultimate guide about real estate video marketing

Consider buying dedicated equipment once you feel competent enough to further upgrade your real estate video content. Mistakes on production could be easily avoided too if you just hire a professional outfit and outsource your video projects. Video production service providers are in a very competitive field, and it is likely for you to find some very affordable choices.

Mistake #2: Not Paying Attention to Details

Start with an outline and a shot list for your real estate video. Mistakes on your production could be avoided if you pay close attention to details and jibe your videos with your overall marketing plan.

Consider who your target markets are. Pick the shots and write video scripts that would best appeal to them. Try to vary your approaches and be creative to make your story flow smoothly. Avoid long presentations, and for videos of your listings, limit them to 60–90 seconds each that would require about 15 to 18 different shots per real estate video.4

Mistake #3: Waiting for Everything to be Perfect

man in black pants and pair of brown leather lace-up shoes sitting on brown carpeted stairs inside room

Be realistic and admit that you’d be likely to be sidetracked by some real estate video mistakes. You can’t achieve perfection in real estate video content production overnight. Experts and beginners alike had to pass through the learning curve in any DIY initiative.

The most important thing is to start the ball rolling in producing real estate video content. Commit and calendar the material’s dissemination to social media, be it Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, or Vimeo.

Set your best foot forward in annotating your video, particularly if you’re on-camera. Always be on a pleasant and positive disposition. Be sure to smile and keep on smiling, particularly on your on-camera pitches. 

Mistake #4: Giving Up Early

person holding white mini bell alarmclock

Manage your expectations, and don’t be discouraged by some lapses in your first tries at real estate video content marketing. Don’t quit on producing real estate videos if their initial results are not up to par.

You can’t expect your first video production to go viral in your first tries. Work on drawing more views to your real estate video content by watching and learning from what seasoned pros are doing in this marketing medium.

Mistake #5: Not Having Fun

grayscale photo of man taking photo

Bear in mind that you’re on your element when shooting, producing, and annotating real estate video content. This is your turf, so enjoying the whole process should come out all but natural for you.

In your video, capture the essence of the moment that defines a home’s character and that of its community or neighborhood. This should let your creative juices flowing and inject some fun in what you’re doing—delivering a dream home to an aspiring buyer.


1Ross, Phillip. (2015, February 17). Native Facebook Videos Get More Reach Than Any Other Type of Post. Retrieved from

2Savage. Jonathan. (2016, April 10). Top 5 Facebook Video Statistics for 2016. Retrieved from

3Russel, Brandon. (2015, March 31). How to Make YouTube Videos with Your Phone. Retrieved from

4Schweickart, Stephen. (2014, July 21). Do’s and Don’ts of Real Estate Listing Videos. Retrieved from

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One Comment

  1. “Limit them to 60–90 seconds each”. Not the best advice from my experience creating years worth of videos in my rural Maine real estate market. Watch time is the most important ranking factor on YouTube. Longer engaging videos is what my out of town real estate buyers want before the long travel time and big expense.

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