Real Estate Social Media Automation: How and Why

Why Should Real Estate Agents Get Serious About Automating Social Media for Their Business

Why should real estate agents invest in real estate social media automation? Well, don’t you wish you had a few extra hours every day? How do you do that? You can not simply remove tasks. Well, you cut back on the time you spend doing things without sacrificing the quality. You find more efficient ways to do them. One of the ways would be automating your social media marketing. Social media plays an important role in the marketing effort of real estate agents and they need a lot of time too.

Many real estate agents try to stay away from social media as they believe it is too much work and needs a lot of time they do not have. After all, a social media platform works only if you keep it consistent and regular. Others sacrifice the quality of content and also the quantity to save themselves more time. Neither of these will work. We have a better solution: a solid Real Estate marketing automation system.

Why Social Media

It is not possible to neglect or deny the role social media has in real estate marketing. Real estate is very visual in nature and social media platforms are too. The content you produce in your Real Estate business is worth nothing unless shared with your audience. Your website will not be enough unless you have a well-established business and enjoys a strong domain authority.

We Grow Together

Social media enables any real estate agent to quickly grow their network and share their content easily and without hassle. After all, business principles require business people to be where their audience is. Like almost any other field of business, your audience is on social media and that’s where you too should be.

I hear you!

Social media allows real estate agents to also establish a solid ground for their audience to directly interact with them. This will let them get to contact you easier and directly voice their needs, concerns, and problems. Furthermore, you can directly engage with them and answer their questions or take care of their problems.

Read More: Social Media for Real Estate Agents – The Ultimate Guide for REALTORS® 2020

Why Social Media Automation

Real estate agents create accounts on different social media platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. But as mentioned above they often fail to keep sharing content in a timely fashion. Social media automation takes care of this and using a dedicated calendar automatically shares the content for you. Some go further and produce the content for you. What else could a real estate agent wish for regarding social media? The only thing they need to do is to spend a few minutes every day and handle the human part of social media. Engaging with the audience and answering comments and questions.

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Consistency is the Key

Consistency in engaging with your audience on social media is essential. Surveys suggest that consistency is one of the most important factors for keeping people following a brand on social media. That means once you go silent for a short time or appear irregularly on social media, you see your audience drop off. Social media automation makes sure that does not happen.

A One-Man Army

Having a solid and consistent presence on social media requires time, resources, manpower, skills, etc. Many real estate agents do not have enough resources to excel in social media and reap the benefits. Many social media automation services will take care of all elements which require these resources. This creates a lot of free time real estate agents can spend on the things they do best.

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The More, The Better

Let us say you are good enough on social media. Still, having a solid presence will require a lot of time. Unless you want to sacrifice important tasks in your Real Estate business, you will not get around to sharing enough valuable content on social media. The social media automation system offers a countless number of branded pieces of content that no single Real Estate professional can keep up with.

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Make it Worth it

If you overcome all the burdens of social media so far, there are still things that can go wrong. The internet is loaded with social media content. Social media newsfeed is so packed with content that sometimes scrolling down does not seem to end at all. The risk here is to get lost among many others who are sharing content.

Valuable Content

One of the keys to success in social media marketing and content marketing is to stand out. To offer something that others are not. Yes, you can create content that answers the needs and questions of your audience but what if everybody else is doing exactly the same? Have you seen real estate agents all offering home valuations? People need them, right? Yes. Are they valuable? Not when everybody is offering them. A glass of water is more valuable in the desert than in an oasis.

roomvu Real Estate Marketing Solutions

Social media automation systems like what roomvu offers, feature valuable and unique content. Something that your audience is looking for online space and cannot find easily. Apart from hopeless landing pages and common home valuations, there are other kinds of content that appeal to your audience.

Be in Charge

Who, how, when, and where do you share content on social media matters? Going random with these will probably not result in the outcome you wish for.

A Better Look

Some social media automation systems offer deep insights into how you are doing online on different platforms. They also provide you with stats and numbers so that you know where you stand. Without such info, real estate agents have to make do with insights different social media platforms offer separately.


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Hit the Spot

Also, offer more targeted content sharing. For instance, roomvu’s content factory and social media automation identify people who respond better and engage more with your content. Therefore you know what to share and how to share them. Which content performs better on who.

The Golden Window

Furthermore, you will get recommendations based on when your content gets the most engagement and yields better results. As your audience’s newsfeed is already jam-packed with others’ media and content, you cannot just randomly post content and hope for the best as your content will be lost among and behind all the other content others are sharing. For example, your audience might be most active online early in the day, if you keep posting content late at night when they are asleep, by the time they wake up, other posts will run your content to the end of their newsfeed, thus decreasing the chances of your audience seeing your post.

Do Not Spread Yourself Too Thin

Everything we have said about the problems of handling and managing social media is true when only dealing with one platform. If you decide to go with more than one (which you should) you will be knee-deep in loads of things to do. Social media automation systems allow real estate agents to handle multiple accounts at the same time. In fact, the number of platforms does not make any difference for the machine as it is perfect at multitasking. Agents, however, will have trouble keeping up with many social media accounts at the same time.

Time to Relax

This is what we focused on, at the beginning of this article. Wasting time is a luxury you cannot afford. The most important gift social media automation systems offer is free time. Even if it is free time spent relaxing (not focused on your business), a free mind will give you a better perspective on the way your business is making progress. Thus allowing you to make necessary changes where they matter most.

Real Estate Social Media Automation Tips

There are many great services for real estate social media automation but there are a few tips you need to bear in mind regarding choosing the platform and how you use them:

Do Not Have Money to Burn

Automation systems will cost you money and you would want to get the best out of the cash you are paying. Therefore, it is important to look carefully and choose a platform that offers all of the features above. Simply churning out huge loads of content will not prove a platform’s value. The content that is provided for you needs to be valuable and sought after by your audience.

For example, people are sick and tired of reading text or seeing home valuations or other landing pages without any value. It is about time real estate agents changed to what really matters these days: videos. Videos are valuable as they:

But keep in mind that producing videos alone is not a key to success. Many platforms’ videos are no different nor better than a few slides of text. It is not the format that makes a piece of content more valuable, it is what is within that makes it different. Videos are more capable of conveying profound and valuable information in a more convenient way. Choose carefully.

Leave Room for The Unexpected

Although we recommend you use a social media automation platform that takes care of everything from the timing to even targeting and choosing the content, remember to allow your calendar some space or flexibility. This is important as there might be some things you need to announce to your audience without prior planning. Like a change in the plan for the events, you were going to host. This way you can make sure that your social media is accurate and up-to-date.

Final Words

Real estate social media automation is still unheard of for some agents. Some are not familiar with social media itself let alone automation. This alone goes to show you the opportunity you have in front of you to stand out and shine in the crowd. Little by little real estate agents are joining the bandwagon and starting to use social media, but most are a ways away from making a difference. You can be the one who has a strong social media appearance and wins leads.

Roomvu knows the trouble real estate agents go through to market their brands and business online. Therefore, what we offer pinpoints this exact gap in real estate marketing services. Providing real estate agents with valuable, branded, shareable content and also the means to automate sharing. We do the math, get the best content, and choose when and with who to share it. Gone are the days when you had to do everything yourself and build your brand from the scratch. Join now and start generating leads automatically!

  1. What is real estate social media automation?

    Real estate social media automation includes platforms like roomvu content factory that take care of real estate agents' social media accounts by providing reliable and insightful videos and sharing them across social media platforms automatically in a regular and consistent fashion.

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