roomvu Real Estate Ad Optimization: Why and How

Learn why roomvu optimizes your Real Estate ad creatives on Facebook

Facebook ads are great for Real Estate businesses just like many other businesses. However, getting the best results from your ads is not easy. In fact, if you fail to run ads properly you will waste your money. Therefore, it is critical to optimize your ads in terms of audience, messaging, creatives, CTA, etc. Facebook optimizes your ads through the learning phase. However, you need to test different components of the ads to make the most out of your hard-earned cash. We at roomvu, optimize your ads for you. One aspect which goes through optimization is creative. This article will discuss the importance of Facebook ad creative optimization and why we do it.

Facebook Ads Format

According to Facebook, videos perform better and yield better results:

“In a recent study, we took a look at audience attention on our mobile platforms and saw that people’s eyes fixated longer on video ad assets compared to static assets.1 This means video ads are a great opportunity for businesses to capture attention and drive brand awareness as well as conversions. But in order for your video ads to be most effective on mobile, they need to be optimized for the mobile viewing environment.


Ads Dynamic Creative

Facebook Ads Dynamic creative uses different media (images, videos) and various ad components (like images, videos, text, audio, and calls-to-action) and then mixes and matches them in new ways to improve your ad performance. It enables you to automatically create personalized creative versions for each individual seeing your ad, with results that are scalable.

Here are some of the optimizations according to Facebook:

Dynamic creative is an ideal optimization tool when you’re unsure which media or ad components resonate with different audiences. Facebook Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) can help you get better results through your Facebook ads. Facebook Ads work, only if you know how to run them properly. You just need to use a combination of images, videos, titles, descriptions, CTA’s, and link descriptions and let Facebook find which combination works best. You still need to pick an audience.

roomvu Ad Creative Optimization

In order to make the most out of roomvu ads, we at roomvu take every necessary action to maximize results. Apart from using Facebook Ads dynamic creatives, roomvu also makes changes to your ads creatives in the first place to get better results. We have been running Facebook ads for a long time and we try different ad components from messaging to CTA, to media like music ad videos and images, etc. So if your ads appear different, rest assured all necessary measures are taken to make ads work best.

Facebook Learning Phase

The learning phase is a period of time when Facebook learns about your ad set and explores the best way to deliver them. In your ad manager, you will see a “Learning” status for the ads you have just begun to run or have made significant changes. This will take a while and when the learning phase is over, then you can judge if the ad is working or not. Here are some of the factors Facebook tests in the Learning Phase:

The learning phase is necessary for your ads to work optimally. Do not try to skip or avoid it by canceling the ads or making unnecessary changes. Tests Facebook runs during this period are vital for optimum performance. In short, there is no way to get optimum results in a short time. That’s how ads work. 

Figure 4: Facebook ads learning phase.

The potential engagement that Facebook Real Estate ads can deliver depends heavily on the ad setup, including ad targeting, messaging, creative, content, etc. Even the length of time a specific ad is run determines how well it performs, hence changing the number of clicks and, ultimately the CPC, CPL, etc.:

Read More: What is the Facebook Ads Learning Phase? When Will Your Ads Start to Work?

What Should I Do When My Ads Are in the Learning Phase?

To avoid unnecessary delays in the learning phase, follow these tips:

Wait Until the Learning Phase is Over

During the learning phase, performance is poor, and CPA is bad but it does not mean your ads won’t work in the future. Do not make changes to the ad set during this time. When you restart the learning phase, you delay the delivery system’s ability to improve performance. 

Use a Realistic Budget for Ads

If you go with a tiny budget for the ads, the system will not be able to optimize your audience optimally. Your Facebook ads budget should be enough to reach at least 50 optimization events. Optimization events are the times your ads reach the goal of your ad set: clicks, messages, etc. If your budget is low, the system will not be able to get 50 optimization events, and the optimizations made to your ads will not happen. 

Don’t Change the Budget Frequently

Changing your budget frequently will result in re-entering the learning phase, delaying your optimal performance. 

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