Effective Real Estate Call to Actions

Using Perfect Call to Actions Based on The Needs of Your Clients

Call-to-action is a familiar phrase for most online marketing agents, but not everyone knows how to use it to convey their marketing messages properly. What makes real estate Calls to Action important is that they turn the incoming traffic into leads. Generating traffic to your website is excellent, but it doesn’t mean anything if it doesn’t convert into leads. The better the CTA, the higher the conversion rates. Losing those visitors would be a waste because the wrong CTAs were used.

What is a Call to Action?

A Call to Action is a word or phrase that asks the visitor to sign up for or download something. The call to action primarily takes the form of text on a clickable button designed to incite an immediate response, turning visitors into leads. A real estate Call to Action should be clear and specific; otherwise, the most well-written content will not capture leads nor convert visitors into leads.

real estate call to action

You shouldn’t assume that visitors will automatically look for the next step once you provide decent content. Visitors might be drawn to your website and social media channels, read your content, and like what you offer. But unless you give clear instructions, they’ll unlikely do what you have in mind.

What makes a Real Estate CTA Stand Out?

A compelling call to action offer something valuable and unique. Something that is not easily found. Here are the general features of CTAs that work:

Poor Real Estate CTAs

Poor CTAs, on the other hand, are the exact opposite of the points above; they are vague, poorly presented, and offer nothing unique.

Read More: Real Estate Lead Generation Landing Pages with 9 Best Examples

Frequently Used Real Estate CTAs

These are some of the most frequently used real estate Calls to Action. Although they do the job, many people use them and are not considered unique:

Where to Use Real Estate Call to Actions

Where you use the call to action is quite important. Many realtors know to use CTAs only on their websites and forget about the rest. Here are some of the options available to use the CTAs in:


Real Estate Call to Action Tips

Call to action matters. They can decide the fate of your content and the actions your visitors take. It makes sense to go and see what others are using; however, there are some tips to remember while thinking of your own real estate. Call to Action to make them better:

Make It Look Good

A Call to Action that works uses many different factors. One of these factors that plays a vital role in how well it performs is the overall look of the CTA. Try to make it look beautiful and simple. A boring call to action will not drive much engagement as it will not catch the visitors’ attention. Try different styles and designs to create one that looks the most promising.

Use Clear and Concise CTAs

To facilitate the process and make it easier for the audience to click on your CTA, you need to make it as straightforward as possible so that your audience knows exactly what is behind that button and what will happen once they click. Also, do not confuse the reader by using long chains of words that are not clear enough.

Use Action-Oriented Phrases

A button that says “more information” might not tell the audience exactly what to do, which is the main reason for a CTA. Therefore, using verbs like call, click, get, learn, contact, etc., is better to make your Call to Action more effective. Tell them what to do.

Offer Unique Calls to Actions

Compelling Call to Action offers something unique to the customer, so they feel it will be a loss if they do not act. Imagine you put the “Sign up Now” call to action in your content. Given the standards mentioned, it seems like a decent real estate CTA as it guides visitors toward acting. The problem, though, is that it does not offer something unique. Try to make the CTA different.

Make It About Them, Not Yourself

The Call to Action should target and aim at the visitor by using words like “your,” “my,” etc., to convey the sense that the call to action offers something to the audience and is not trying to sell something that, in the end, will have benefits only for the realtor.

Make It Special

To trigger a sense of urgency, add words like “limited,” “special,” “unique,” etc., to engage the audience in a mental process that drives them toward taking action. Emphasizing the time-sensitive nature of certain CTAs will increase the chances of visitors clicking on them. After all, humans hate the idea of losing an opportunity.

Build Trust

To avoid looking like a sales effort and to make the audience trust you, include phrases that focus on “assuring” the audience. For instance, words like “guaranteed” and “proven” work well toward eliminating a visitor’s concerns or doubts. Not all your visitors have trust issues, but it is not easy to trust everyone in the online space among all those advertising messages they are bombarded with. This, however, does not allow you to make false commitments. You should not use words like “guaranteed” to use them and create trust without guaranteeing your services.

Mobile Friendly CTAs

Thanks to broadband cellular network technologies like 4G and 5G, using the internet on mobile phones has increased significantly as it is so convenient to surf the internet while on the move. Therefore, it is essential to keep your CTAs’ mobile-friendliness in mind and ensure they look good on a cellphone screen and are large enough to be clickable by touch.

Avoid the Use of Jargon

Who will be reading your content and CTAs? Other realtors? No. They might read them, but they are not your target audience. Your target audience consists of people looking to buy or sell a property. Therefore, you should use their language. Standard English and not the technical terminology which only realtors understand.

Think Customer-Centric

Business is about making your customers happy. Looking at the most successful businesses, you realize they all are popular because they make their customers happy. Therefore, while marketing your business, no matter what it is, customers come first. Their needs and challenges are yours to meet and solve.

Many are inclined to boast about their qualifications and advantages and base their marketing on this self-focused concept. However, the fact is your customers do not care about you. It does not matter who you are. Being the most famous realtor in town won’t be worth anything if you fail to offer what they need. In contrast, if you can offer your audience help, it won’t matter if you are not the top realtor in your farming area.

Your call to action should focus on the needs of your visitors. It should offer what they need. The invaluable value that you offer. Of course, just like everything else you do in marketing, you need to have found out the main concerns of your audience first.

Consider Audience Personas

You must consider your audience’s persona while considering real estate Calls to Action ideas. If you have several distinct customer personas, you can create a different CTA for each persona so that they offer unique values based on the persona’s needs.

A/B Test your CTAs

Regardless of the action you wish your audience to take, it is advisable to conduct A/B testing to improve the effectiveness of CTA. The language and wording, together with website design elements, like what color you use, where it is located, and its shape, are the variables you can change to see which produces the best result after a given period of time, for example, a month. Once you test specific options, try to modify them and see if you can make them do better. Once you find the most effective CTA, use it across your website.

Use Click Triggers

Real estate Calls to Action are what turn visitors into leads. However, besides the overall quality of the CTA, like the wording and design, other supporting factors help increase engagement with the CTA. These factors include testimonials, showing total sales and deals closed, etc. They make visitors trust you and more inclined to click on the CTA.

Furthermore, the more appealing the visuals are on your website, the more visitors are likely to act. That highlights the importance of a professionally designed website.


The real estate Call-to-Actions are a vital part of the messaging you deliver to your audience, directing them in your sales funnel and turning them into leads. Failing to include one or using a poor real estate Call-to-Action will lead your online marketing efforts nowhere. It will be a dead-end as your visitors have not been instructed what to do.

The Call to Action mentioned in this article is just one example. Look at them, try them, and see which ones work for you. Also, it is a good idea to find inspiration and develop your own unique real estate Call-to-Actions and see if they work for you.

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