12 Must-have Marketing Materials for Realtors

Everything a Real Estate Agent Needs for Their Business

Marketing your real estate business doesn’t have to involve hiring a marketing professional. Given the right marketing materials, agents can manage without having to rely on professional services. Marketing materials for realtors can enhance awareness around your brand and get you leads. Building an arsenal of such materials takes time and involves trial and error.  To assist, we have organized a list of marketing materials for realtors to focus your time and energy.


There are a lot of tools to market your brand and services in real estate. Numerous options of marketing materials for realtors are at your disposal. And some you can take or leave. But your website is your online office and shouldn’t be overlooked. Without one, people will have to search you out on other spaces online (such as social media) to contact you. Why deprive yourself of a professional avenue for people to reach you?

real estate website

The reason why you should have a real estate website as your central marketing material for realtors is professionalism and the fact that the popularity of social media platforms is subject to ebbs and flows. Some get popular quickly and only to be overtaken just as quickly. Building your core stance as a realtor on social media is risky as you have less control. Your website, on the other hand, is all yours.

An ideal website for realtors includes many features like search options, landing pages, videos, listings, etc. It should be well designed so that it is simple enough not to confuse visitors, and it should direct them through your sales funnel. The visual appearance of the website, technical aspects like loading speed, etc. are also things to consider while building one. A website on a  free domain may not be a good idea as it can look unprofessional.

The Agent Profile

Designing a professional website from scratch is hard work. It takes time to learn and be confident with website design, and it can be an expensive undertaking to hire outside help. To make things easier and less costly, roomvu is proud to introduce an Agent Profile. This is a distinctively designed web page, including the essential and recommended features real estate agents need.

Why waste money on designing a website from scratch when you can have one with ease and for a reasonable price? Signing up is free. Create your account today.

Direct Mail

Some business people might consider direct mail ineffective and outdated. This is understandable due to the prevalence of spam and the resulting wariness of consumers. However, according to a recent study, 79% of consumers think that reading an email is more convenient than going to a site online. Why? Because assuming emails are received upon the recipients’ request, they provide curated and easy-to-understand information. Therefore emails make one of the best marketing materials for realtors.

Direct mail is a great tool to target potential and existing leads and market to them. The great thing about real estate marketing is that your target niche is local and making marketing easier to tailor. Delivering valuable information in a tangible way that makes sense to the needs of the target audience is a great way to generate leads.

If you want to increase the effectiveness of your direct mail campaign, including videos does wonders. Watching videos is more convenient than reading, and people engage faster with visual mediums.  Your audience is more likely to watch a video than read the details of a campaign.

With Roomvu’s agent profile, sending emails to your contact list is easier than ever. All you need to do is just upload your contact list, choose one of the videos Roomvu has made for you with your brand, customize the template, and you’re done!

Business Cards

A small piece of paper can make a great first impression. Avoid the generic corporate business card. Opt for something that represents your brand! Color, font, the texture of the paper, size, and shape, all speak volumes about your business, and how much you value it. The design should complement the service of your offer.  Get creative, and invest in a design team if you’re able.  The important thing is to customize your business cards.

Online Ads That Convert

We have talked extensively about how online ads can be customized. Running an online campaign that is tailored to the needs of your target audience is vital for conversions. As a real estate agent, you need to take full advantage of social media platforms and advertise. Designing a custom landing page that gives valuable information and a strategic call to action will bring you qualified leads you can nurture over time.

Real Estate Signage

A real estate sign is not just a board to tell people that a property is up for sale nearby. It’s a pretty effective way of enhancing awareness of your brand in the area.

All the positives brought around by real estate signs should not be taken for granted, though. A bad sign will still let the audience know about your offer but will not leave the best impression.

Make sure that you are invested in good quality and catchy signage. Signs should be neat in terms of design and deliver a clear message about your brand.

Types of Signs to Consider:


Digital marketing is given so much focus that some might think print marketing is just a waste of money. But brochures can be both informational and educational. Moreover, they are tangible.  A well-made brochure can leave a more lasting impression.

Due to their versatility in terms of size, they can be as expansive or minimalist as required.



Affordable and classic, flyers are an effective old-school way to market to potential clients. They can be used to promote different services in real estates, such as listings, the open house features sheets, exclusive deals, etc. The usefulness of flyers, however, depends on a good first impression. They are the micro version of brochures and offer less space for information. Therefore, how they look is even more critical.


The overall look of the flyer determines if the audience will read through or ignore it. Therefore, investing in the professional design of the flyer is advised.  Make it more visual than text-based. Include your brand’s logo and contact information.

How you distribute the flyers is also essential. Choose your niche and area, and put up your flyers where there are real estate-related events going on in your farm area. Handing out flyers outside your farm area does not make sense.


Postcard mailings are a great way to market to residents in your farming area. The cool thing about postcards is that they are sent to the homes of your farming area, making sure the audience is hyper-local. Flyers and brochures may not be this great at pinpointing the audience as the passersby may not be from the area.

canva postcard template

Postcards can still serve realtors in different areas and encourage the audience to take action. For instance, an open house invitation sent in a postcard format using eye-catching designs and graphics will have a better chance of making people show up for the event.

As postcards have limited space, include information that counts toward your marketing goals. Include the properties you’ve sold in the area, and those you currently have for sale in their neighborhood. Do not forget high-quality images.

Guerrilla Marketing

Guerilla marketing seems out of place, given the typically conservative marketing methods in real estate. This type of marketing is based on using the element of surprise to create direct contact with consumers. Because of its unorthodoxy, it enhances engagement with promoted products or services and brings the products and services to life. Consumers are exposed to a considerable amount of traditional advertisements every day, which leads to even good marketing going unnoticed. Guerilla marketing aims at surprising the consumers so that they stand out.

From the Charleston City Paper

When people think about real estate, they consider it to be conservative and traditional, which is valid.  But if you’re reasonably well-known and confident in your ability to convey the right message, this type of marketing can be useful.

Free pizza with the house, Keller Williams

Guerilla marketing ideas in real estate really require their own blog post. However, to give you some ideas, consider using billboards that set you apart from the competition. Make billboards funny and eye-catching.

Door Hangers

If these are professionally designed and offer stunning visuals and graphics, the chances are the audience will have a brief look and, if interested, keep them for future reference. Regarding the design, use bright colors and bold text to make the door hangers more noticeable. Considering the limited space on door hangers, a simple, minimalist design will go a long way.


Real Estate Posters

Posters are one of the first methods of marketing products and services. The long history of posters proves their effectiveness.


Similar to flyers, only except for the fact that they are not handed out to passersby and are large, they can be used to promote listings and real estate services without bothering those who are not interested. Why? They are there on the wall. They can simply be ignored if deemed irrelevant. Those who find them useful can stop and have a look.

Once quite expensive, posters are now pretty affordable with the ubiquity of online and offline businesses and tools offering graphic design services. With a little bit of creativity and research into the market, a poster can enhance your marketing efforts and increase the leads you get in your business.

A Moving Truck

One of the most creative and effective marketing materials for realtors is a moving truck that you offer your clients when they need to move. This offer makes your clients happy. But that’s not all. Print your name, logo, slogan, and contact information on the side of the truck so that it promotes your brand. When not in use, park it in visible crowded areas. This way, you make sure you reach a lot of people in your farming area.


Marketing Materials Tips for Realtors

Get the Most From Online Tools

When it comes to producing visual content, many think of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. However, unless you know your way around such software, it is better to stay away. They take time and training to master. Professional services charge precisely because their expertise and creativity have taken years to acquire and nurture.

To make things easier and faster, you can use online DIY ready-made templates for your visual designs for different types of marketing materials for realtors like posters, brochures, and even online material like email templates and website graphics. They are a convenient way to produce professional results that will present your brand the way you want.


There are a lot of websites offering professional templates to get you started. Using such templates, realtors can create beautiful and eye-catching designs for flyers, posters, etc. Canva, StockLayouts, LucidPress, and Creative Shop, to name a few.

Keep Copyrights in Mind

Search engines like Google allow users to find images easily on the internet. But they are not all free, despite the fact they seem so on Google. When looking for images on the internet, look for their usage rights. Most premium and high-quality images are copyrighted and cannot be used for free. Apart from the legal issues that you might encounter (the owner of the intellectual properties can sue you), it is unethical to use images without permission from the owner.

In order to make sure you can use images, always download them from image hosting websites like Canva, Pixabay, Unsplash, Envato, etc. most high-quality images on these sources need to be bought. Still, they also offer some free images to use. While using free images, mention the source on the credits of the image.

Choose Fonts Wisely

One of the most important things to keep in mind in real estate marketing is establishing and maintaining a consistent brand. This is essential for success. Your brand consists of visual elements like fonts, colors, and your logo. Real estate is a serious field that depends on professional visuals. Overly decorative visuals and fonts used in marketing materials for realtors are not recommended.

The selection of fonts is continuously expanding,  making it hard to choose or design an exclusive font that represents your brand.

Invest in Professional Logo Design

Your logo is an integral part of any brand’s identity. As you will be using your logo on your marketing materials, it is advisable to invest in professional logo design. Your company logo will be used by your customers to recognize you, so try to have a logo that is meaningful and related to your business.

Choose Your Brand’s Color

Colors act as an excellent brand identifier, and like your logo and fonts, you need to have specific colors defined for your brand. These colors should be consistent in your graphic designs: your logo, websites, social media post templates, print posters, flyers, etc. Color is very important in branding and marketing because it forms both first impressions and identity.

Be Consistent

Once you find a particular design element you like, try to stick to it. Having the same style and graphic designs with the same fonts and colors, along with compelling text,  helps with the recognizability of your brand.

Social Media Marketing Material

In order to engage with your audience on social media, you need to educate them besides entertaining them. Download the files below and see examples of social media marketing material. Feel free to share them on your social media as well.


Marketing materials for realtors are essential assets. It does not matter how great of a realtor you are. Without marketing your services to your target audience, you will not be achieving the optimum gains for your efforts. Employing the right marketing materials makes sure your efforts are not in vain, and you will be able to present your brand well, increase awareness around it, generate quality leads and eventually turn those leads into deals.

Read More: Real Estate Floor Plans

What are some examples of marketing strategies in real estate?

The Agent Profile
Direct Mail
Business Cards
Online Ads That Convert
Real Estate Signage
Guerrilla Marketing
Door Hangers
Real Estate Posters
A Moving Truck

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