Boosting New Real Estate Instagram Accounts: 5 Essential Tips for Going from Zero to Engaged

Uncover Strategies to Jump-Start Your Following, Foster Active Engagement, and Transform Your Online Presence, Even with Zero Starting Point

Are you new to Instagram for your real estate business and grappling with zero followers? Have you been wondering how to attract a following and drive engagement? Or perhaps you’re tired of seeing minimal interaction from the few followers you’ve managed to acquire? If you’ve been nodding along, this article, focusing on ‘boosting new real estate Instagram accounts,’ is tailor-made for you.

Embarking on a successful Instagram journey begins with a few essential steps. This piece will unveil five fundamental strategies to enhance your profile visibility and engagement, laying solid groundwork for your Instagram success.

Remember, the journey doesn’t end with these initial steps. There are more advanced tactics to explore to amplify your online presence and engagement further. So, stay tuned for future articles where we’ll dive deeper into these advanced methodologies. Now, without further ado, let’s set the stage for your Instagram success story.

Boosting New Real Estate Instagram Accounts

Here are the five steps you need to take:

1. Optimize Your Profile

In the realm of Instagram, first impressions are crucial. Your profile is your digital business card, reflecting your identity to potential followers. Select a clear profile picture, write a succinct yet compelling bio that encapsulates your role and services, and add a link to your professional webpage if available. These steps are essential in boosting new real estate Instagram accounts and setting a firm foundation.

Read this article to learn more about how to optimize your profile on Instagram for Real Estate

2. Connect with People You Know

Your Instagram journey should ideally kick off by connecting with your existing network – friends, family, colleagues, or acquaintances. They not only form the bedrock of your follower base but also contribute to your initial engagement. Remember, when it comes to boosting new real estate Instagram accounts, every interaction counts. Read this article to learn more about the principles of increasing your followers.

3. Document Your Daily Life

Instagram is a platform that thrives on authenticity, and personal stories can help you connect with your audience on a deeper level. Various content formats, from images and videos to carousels, can be used to share snapshots from your day-to-day life. This could be a relaxing weekend activity, a good book you’re reading, a sneak peek into your workday, or anything else that reflects your personality and lifestyle. Click on the video below to hear it from Jeff Pfitzer:

The Power of Personal Content

One crucial insight to grasp when trying to boost new real estate Instagram accounts is understanding the content that truly resonates with your audience. More often than not, followers are more intrigued by the person behind the business than the company itself. They’re interested in knowing your story, your journey, your highs and lows, and the human side that isn’t typically reflected in professional content.

Sharing personal content and glimpses of your life doesn’t mean exposing every aspect of your private life to the public eye. It’s about striking a balance and showcasing a relatable human element. When your followers engage with your content – whether by liking, commenting, or sharing – Instagram’s algorithms take note. High engagement signals that your content is appealing and worth promoting, so Instagram is likelier to introduce your content to a broader audience in the ‘Explore’ section or as a suggested range.

By cleverly intertwining personal posts with professional content, you can ‘hack’ the Instagram algorithm to work in your favor. This strategy of diversified range not only helps build a stronger, more personal connection with your existing followers and plays a crucial role in attracting new followers. Remember, the goal is to be relatable and authentic while maintaining a professional persona. This combination can boost engagement and foster a loyal and invested Instagram community.


One effective strategy for sharing multiple updates throughout the day without overwhelming your followers is through Instagram Stories. Unlike regular posts, Stories are designed to be temporary (they disappear after 24 hours), and they are displayed at the top of the Instagram app, allowing easy access without cluttering your follower’s feeds. This makes them perfect for more frequent updates.

Stickers, Polls, etc

Also, Instagram Stories offer a host of interactive features like question boxes, polls, quizzes, and countdowns, which can be leveraged to drive further engagement. You can ask for your followers’ opinions on a new real estate trend, create a poll to see what kind of content they’d like to see more of, or share a countdown to an upcoming open house or real estate event. Such engagement can help boost your new real estate Instagram account by fostering a sense of community and keeping your audience invested in what you do.

By diversifying the types of content you share and utilizing the different features available on Instagram, you can make your profile more interesting and engaging, ensuring your followers anticipate your next post or Story. Remember, Instagram is about more than just broadcasting; it’s about communication and interaction, providing a platform to create dialogues, build community, and truly connect with your audience. It’s this level of engagement and connection that can help boost your new real estate Instagram account, turning followers into potential clients.

4. Post About Your Business

After establishing a rapport with your audience by sharing personal content, it’s time to leverage your professional expertise. The key is to gradually and subtly introduce business content, avoiding a hard sell. Instead of pushing your services, think about how you can offer value and assistance to your audience.

Post What Your Audience Needs

To effectively boost new real estate Instagram accounts, consider your audience’s needs and concerns. For instance, if you know your audience consists largely of first-time home buyers, create content that addresses the common questions and challenges they face. This could include posts on understanding mortgage terms, tips on negotiating home prices, or a checklist of things to look out for during a home inspection.

Similarly, if your audience includes people looking to sell their homes, you could provide tips on staging a home for sale, advice on setting the right price, or information on the best time of year to sell a home.

Market Updates: Decoded

Market updates are another type of valuable content. Regular updates on real estate market trends and forecasts can help your audience make informed decisions. But don’t just share the facts and figures. Add your commentary and insights to these updates. Explain what these trends mean for your audience and how they could impact them as buyers or sellers. For instance, what does a seller’s market mean for a first-time buyer? Or how could a decrease in mortgage rates benefit potential investors?

Boosting New Real Estate Instagram Accounts

5. Engage with Real Estate Topics

As you strive to boost your new real estate Instagram account, it’s essential to remember that Instagram is not just a platform for broadcasting content but also a social network where interaction is key.

You can’t just wait for the algorithms to bring more followers and engagement; you need to participate in the community actively.

Start by following accounts, hashtags, and topics related to real estate. Engage with these posts by liking, commenting, and sharing them on your profile or in your Stories. But don’t stop there. Contribute to the conversation, offer professional insights, and engage in meaningful discussions. This activity not only enhances your visibility to potential followers but also solidifies your position as an active, engaged, and informed member of the community.

Sharing valuable content from others serves two primary purposes. Firstly, you’re providing your audience with a diverse, high-quality range they can benefit from. Secondly, you’re fostering a sense of community by supporting other professionals or organizations.

Remember, engagement on social media tends to work like a two-way street.

By actively engaging with others’ content, you’re likely to see a return in engagement on your content. This mutual interaction can help you gain more exposure, reach, and, ultimately, followers. Read the article below to learn more.

It’s also worth noting that Instagram’s algorithm favors accounts with high engagement levels, meaning the more you interact with others, the more likely your posts will be shown to a wider audience. So, go ahead and like that post, leave a thoughtful comment, and share a useful infographic or a beautifully captured property photo. This strategy will help you build a strong and engaging presence in the real estate community on Instagram.

Boosting New Real Estate Instagram Accounts: Conclusion

Embarking on the Instagram journey and boosting new real estate Instagram accounts demand patience, perseverance, and consistent efforts. Instagram is more than just a follower count – it’s a platform for building relationships, providing value, and creating a community. So, dive in, share, engage, and enjoy the journey toward establishing a vibrant, engaging online presence.

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