Why Virtual Staging for Real Estate?

Why virtual staging is here to stay even after the Pandemic.

Staging homes increases the chances of sales since it allows buyers to imagine the property once they have moved in. It has always been a popular choice among real estate agents. The pandemic forced many practices towards digital form. Home staging went to become digital and virtual staging saw a significant rise during the pandemic. Now that we have tried virtual staging, it is going to stay even long after the pandemic is over. Here is why virtual staging is preferred over traditional staging.

Why Virtual Staging is Absolutely Important to Sell Homes

We have recently been able to discover how great virtual staging can be, thanks to the pandemic. These benefits have been so convenient that we assume virtual staging will stay here for good:

Faster Turn-around

Organizing, planning, consultation, and logistics of traditional staging takes a minimum of one week. It requires a lot of time since there is a lot of preparation and setting is needed. But virtual staging does not include many of the stages in traditional staging and it can be done in 48 hours or even less.

Higher Selling Prices

Experts believe properly done virtual staging can increase the selling price by an average of 5% to 10% since it triggers emotional feelings in the home buyers and makes them want to live there. Virtual staging encourages home buyers’ imagination and boosts property saleability.

Targeting Specific Markets

Traditional staging is limited in terms of how many variations you can have for the home which depends on the props available. Therefore you are very limited on how you can make the staging appeal to your targeted market. However, virtual staging is not bound to such limitations and you can design and stage the property based on how your target market likes it. Virtual staging allows you to directly target the needs and wants of your market and stage the home the way they want it.


By virtual staging, you try to keep the buyer as long as it takes to want to buy the home but the more they look the more flaws they will notice. Old rugs and paintings or other decorative objects in the photo may not appeal to the buyer. in fact, the previous owner’s belongings and accessories usually trigger negative emotions and impressions on the buyer’s mind. Virtual staging allows you to remove all those unnecessary objects from the photos with ease.

Why Virtual Staging for Real Estate: Final Words

We never appreciate the true potential of many options we have in life until we are forced to use them. The pandemic and its subsequent limitations left real estate agents no choice but to resort to digital measures like virtual tours and staging. However, these technologies turned out to be very efficient in terms of time and investment, we think they will stay long after the pandemic is over. They make the properties look the best they can and increase the money they can sell for. Do more with less.

We at roomvu store offer virtual staging services for a reasonable price and a fast turn-around. Visit roomvustore.com for more information.

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