Twilight Photography: How it Helps and Why You Should Use it

How to appeal to millennials who want to buy or sell a home using twilight photography.

Real estate photography is essential to the successful marketing of homes. Without visual content, homes are almost impossible to sell. The ultimate goal of property photography is to showcase the home at its best. Twilight photography is one technique that helps to highlight the property’s exterior. In this article, we will discuss why real estate agents should take it seriously and how they can make the most out of it.

What is Twilight Photography

Real estate twilight photography is the process of showcasing a home’s exterior by photos taken at dusk. Twilight photography is not easy as there is a narrow window of time to get a decent shot and it also needs lots of expertise and experience. Twilight photos are usually taken 5- minutes after dusk. To take a twilight shot all interior and exterior lights available in the home should be on but at the same level making sure they are not too bright. 

Twilight photography

You might try to get the shot yourself but only a professional photographer with advanced equipment can deliver optimal results. 

Read More: Why Agents Should Use Professional Real Estate Photography

Why Real Estate Twilight Photography

A twilight exterior photo taken at dusk does a great job showcasing landscape and property exterior including lighting, backyard, garden, pools, etc. 

Twilight shots are exceptionally beautiful and appeal to homebuyers because they present eye-catching views which differ from the regular exterior shot and other interior shots. Due to their dreamy nature, they tend to do a better job at grabbing home buyers’ attention. 

Which Properties Should Have Twilight Photography

You can use twilight photography for almost any property since you can capture the beauty of dusk and sunset. However, to maximize its effects, it’s best to use twilight photography for homes that have lots of exterior lighting and exterior features like pools, backyards, etc. 

Benefits of Real Estate Twilight Photography

Lets have a look at some other wonderful features of real estate twilight photography:

Twilight Photographs Stand out

Daytime photos of homes dominate the market. They are the first exterior photos of the properties that are taken. This makes twilight photos less common. Due to the technical difficulties of twilight photos, they are not used often. In fact, taking a perfect twilight shot is not easy. Given that, if you include twilight photos in your home’s photo gallery, you will increase your home’s chances of being seen. Simply put, they are cool. Homebuyers love them too. So why not?

They Showcase Home Lighting

Usual and normal shots of the property demonstrate how the home looks in terms of build, general appearance, etc. however they usually fail to show how homes look like at night with their lights on. After all, home lighting is one of the most important features of homes, especially for luxury real estate. Twilight photography is able to bring out the beauty the designers had in mind for the property at low lights. 

They Increase Your Portfolio Value

Tiwlight shots not only bring the best out of homes that attract more buyers, they also make your portfolio richer. These shots make property catalog richer which will in turn make you look more professional as a real estate agent. That is exactly what you want to attract more home sellers. Home sellers love agent who have a modern approach to real estate marketing. You cant help it: millennials love technology. 


Real Estate Twilight Shots: Final Words

With the cut-throat competition out there in real estate, both homes and real estate agents have a hard time getting an edge over their competition. Delivering modern and cutting-edge technology is key to your success in the market which will both increase sales and also your reputation and improve your portfolio as a real estate agent. They are a tad more expensive than the normal shots but are worth it. 

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