Landing Page Metrics for Real Estate

Learn the top landing page metrics for Real Estate and see how you can use them to improve their performance.

Your landing page for Real Estate is live. But how is it performing? What kind of impact does it have on users and visitors? In fact, there’s no point of even having a landing page for Real Estate if you don’t know how to measure its performance. In this article we will discuss different landing page metrics for Real Estate.

Landing Page Metrics for Real Estate

Landing Page Metrics for Real Estate

In order to observe and monitor the performance of landing page for Real Estate you can use these metrics:

Conversion Rate

The conversion rate can be defied as the percentage of users who take the desired action of your landing page through your CTA. Monitoring a landing page conversion rate helps you understand the following:

It also gives you insight into:

To track conversions on your landing page, first you should set up a goals in Google Analytics. By doing so you’ll be able to track how many people visited your landing page and took action by completing a form, clicking on a link, or downloading a file.

Bounce rate

Bounce rate can be defied as the number of “single-page sessions divided by the number of total sessions.” In other words, bounce rate is the percentage of all users who leave after they view a single page. A low bounce rate is usually better than a high bounce rate. A high bounce rate can mean as people leaving your website after visiting the first page. A high bounce rate on a landing page can mean people leave your landing page without taking further action which is definitely not a good sign.


As the name suggests, Pageviews show how many times your landing page has been viewed by users. On a landing page, page views show how many times people visited your landing page and that is important because:

Your goal on a landing page is not to get more pageviews. Your goal is to et visitors to take your desired action by clicking on the link, complete forms, etc. But pageviews can provide you with useful insights into the landing page and how you can optimize it.


Do you know where your landing page traffic is coming from? Do sources differ in terms of performance where one source performs better, generates moe traffic and results in more conversion?

The Source metric tells you which channels all of your traffic comes from. In fact, it’s not enough to just know that how much traffic you get; it’s also important to know where it all comes from. For example, most landing pages are linked to ads. Therefore, you can see how well you ads are performing compared to other sources like social media organic posts and organic search results. It is all about optimizing and these metrics will give you enough insight to get started.

Landing Page Metrics for Real Estate

Planning a marketing campaign takes a lot of work and then you need to do a lot of thorough thinking to create a landing page for Real Estate. But does it work as it is supposed to? Is it worth a lot the time and trouble? Can you make it work better and deliver better results?

The only way you can answer such questions is by observing, monitoring and layzing the landing page metrics for Real Estate. Whether your landing page is a home valuation or other types of landing pages for Real Estate, whether you have a special offer you’re running ads for, Google Analytics can help you track landing page metrics for Real Estate. It all may seem complicated in the beginning but once you get the hang of it you will be happy you know how to monitor the performance of your landing pages.

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