Facebook Post Ideas for Real Estate

On social media, for Real Estate you are in the education business. Here are the best Facebook Post Ideas for Real Estate you can use.

Facebook is one of the best channels on social media for Real Estate agents to try to connect to their audience and educate them. Most of your audience on social media will be on top of your funnel who are not ready to buy a home. You need to create a two-way channel to talk to them and nurture them so that you are able to move them down your marketing funnel for a day that they are ready to buy or sell a home. You will be the agent on top of their mind on that day. But what should Real Estate agents post on Facebook? This article explains some of the best Facebook Post ideas for Real Estate.

Facebook Post Ideas for Real Estate

Many agents new to social media and Facebook, start posting randomly on social media. Some believe they should create this luxury image of themselves on social media and show everyone what a dop-dollar agent they are. But the fact is nobody cares about you. Showing iff million-dollar listings will not do you any good since many people can’t afford them and cant care less. On social media, for Real Estate you are in the education business where you add value and inform your audience, and you empower them to make the right decisions. This way you can gain their trust. Here are some of the best Facebook Post Ideas for Real Estate you can use to gain trust.

Market Reports

The market these days is very hot. Prices are increasing every day and no one knows what the market is going to be. However, even if the market were stable, people love to know how the market is going. They would like to know about the prices and the options they have to buy a home in their city. On the other hand, a lot of people are considering selling their home eighter to upgrade or the otherwise and they also would love to know what they can sell their home for and what they can buy. Market update reports are great videos that sum up the market in a nutshell and inform the audience about the status of the market. They are one of the most popular Facebook Post ideas for Real Estate.

Sub-Market Reports

Real Estate is a very local business. People love to know what is going on in their neighborhood. After all, what is happening in the general market of a country may not apply to different neighborhoods. Therefore, Submarket reports that focus on much smaller geographical areas is a true gem on social media favored by your local audience. we at roomvu provide submarket reports for many cities and neighborhoods across Canada and the US.

Tips for Homeowners

One of the best ways to educate your audience is to provide them with tips that enable them to make the most out of their home. Tips about how to maintain their home, renovate it or prepare it for sales. These tips are always welcomed by your audience and create value. They also introduce you as someone who cares for their audience and is not always looking to buy or sell a home for people.

Forecast Videos

Just like market reports, forecast reports give your audience insights into what the market is most likely to turn into in the near future. Many people are hesitant now and do not know if they should sell their homes or buy a new ones. These forecast videos use data from major news sources and experts in the field that can be beneficial to those who are contemplating such a big financial move in their lives.

Video Ads

Facebook is a pay-to-play business. Now organic reach on Facebook is almost dead and we can’t blame Facebook. After all, they are in the business to make money. They have reduced the organic reach to encourage people to run ads. Unlike organic posts, ads on Facebook work well. they are cheaper than Google Ads and offer great targeting features despite the limitations Real Estate business has on Facebook Ads.

News Stories

Facebook just like Instagram has a section called stories where users can share images and videos for up to 15 seconds that disappear after 24 hours. What is interesting about these stories is that you can attach a link to these stories and send your audience to a webpage, preferably a landing page where you can get your visitors to do what you have in mind like submitting their contact information.

You can use these stories to share short pieces of news about Real Estate that engage your audience and will encourage them to leave comments or follow the link.

Here is a sample landing page where you users can continue to read the news story in full and they have the option to take more actions like submitting their contact information for home valuation.

Facebook Post Ideas for Real Estate: Final Words

As a Real Estate agent, you are in the education business on social media. You need to give your audience content that answers their questions and helps them with their problems. This way you can build trust and create awareness to stay on top of their mind. People do not care about the houses you have for sale or the car you drive. All that is what you need to share not what you’re audience needs to see. Always have this on your mind when you are sharing content on social media.

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